Common on, let’s learn about the creative exercise that turns disorganized thoughts into gold for startups.

Do you ever have days where you have a tonne of homework to complete but find it difficult to focus because of all the things racing through your head? A braindump may be useful at this point. 

To relieve some of the mental pressure when your mind starts going in stress circles, take out a pen and write down your thoughts in a bullet journal.

Creative Exercise That Turns Disorganized Thoughts into Gold for Startups

The Plague of a Complicated Mind

Your mind might be a jumble at times. You may be unable to concentrate because of anxiety, worry, tension, or a glut of tasks and ideas. It’s an annoying condition that could make you feel more stressed. I notice that I start to stray from my wholesome routines and behaviours when my brain is very agitated and worn out. 

How can you get rid of this oppressive feeling? Well, I like to employ a technique known as the braindump.

When you compile all of your disjointed thoughts onto a blank canvas, it is called a brain dump. You can practice this to relax and make room for fresh, imaginative ideas. You write down everything that comes to mind and then watch what ideas emerge. 

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What to Pen Down in Your BrainDump

Start jotting down anything on paper or a screen, from your never-ending to-do list to your burgeoning company’s creative ideas. You can jot down a rough grocery list or 

suggestions for home renovations. 

However, you don’t have to be so task-focused in your brain dump. You can just as easily jot down a bunch of thoughts without organising them into any particular categories or action plans.

Examples of things you can write in your brain dump:

  • To-do list
  • Creative ideas for business
  • Home decor ideas
  • Grocery list 
  • Upcoming trip to the Maldives
  • Yoga
  • A friend’s birthday 

Once you have a list of all the mental clutter in front of you, take a moment to examine it again to see if there are any lingering ideas that you could have overlooked. 

Perhaps you neglected to follow up with a networking contact or you forgot about a low-priority deadline that was approaching.

The Next Step of the Creative Exercise That Turns Disorganized Thoughts into Gold for Startups

  1. Beginning with the highest priority items, rank each task or concept after it has been fully documented.
  2. Consider categorising tasks for both business and personal use and stating whether they are long-term or short-term initiatives.
  3. You can review your list, determine what is causing you stress, and develop concrete plans to deal with those issues. That is always a wise choice.
  4. Finally, begin to decide which portion of your brain dump you can work on right now, which parts you can delegate to others, and which parts you can work on later. 

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Why Brain Dump is Effective to turn Disorganized Thoughts into Gold 

This workout has been referred to by some productivity bloggers as a “release valve.” Others emphasise the need for an unrestricted and judgment-free procedure during a brain dump. 

So make an effort to avoid editing. Instead, consider it a tool to come up with ideas for future projects. 

Here are three explanations for why this technique can be so efficient. 

  1. Braindumps stimulate creativity 
  2. Braindumps assist us in making sense of complicated emotions
  3. Braindumps aid us in getting back to our passions

1. Brain dumps stimulate creativity. 

You can use brain dumps as a way to access your creativity as the CEO of a startup. When the mind is overloaded with numerous duties and projects, it is not at its finest or most creative.

Doing a brain dump might help free up mental space by addressing attention residue, or lingering preoccupations from your most recent incomplete work.

It is difficult for new thoughts to flourish when one is constantly making mental lists.

Writing down ideas in a place other than your temporary mental archives helps you to view the big picture. According to research, trying to multitask can be hazardous. 

In his book Deep Work, Newport explains how switching between tasks can weaken your focus, making it harder and harder to leap into deep-work projects over time. 

One way to begin making sense of the bustling flow of responsibilities is to conduct a brain dump. Making sense of the hectic flurry of tasks that fills our days can start with a brain dump. 

2. Brain dumps assist us in making sense of complicated emotions 

In the end, the technique succeeds when it clarifies your jumbled thoughts. Consider the jumbled thoughts in your head as a ball of yarn. 

You can take a brain dump instead and put the tangled mess into a different container for safekeeping if you don’t have time to disentangle them right now. 

Research reveals that related activities, like keeping a diary,  aid people in overcoming traumatic experiences. 

People who have undergone trauma can employ expressive language, to control distracted thoughts and abstain from hazardous behaviours according to a study from the University of Texas and North Carolina State University.

3. Brain dumps aid us in getting back to our passions. 

A “brain dump,” gives your mind some space to settle down which can be beneficial for helping you focus on your interests. It can be incredibly difficult to break out of a cycle of busyness due to the demands of work and their ongoing growth. 

And when we have too many chores on our plates, it can result in burnout and a detachment from our actual passions. 

Lowered productivity and feelings of identity loss are two indicators of burnout. 

Additionally, a burnt-out worker could lose faith in their profession or think that simply achieving their goals is not an accomplishment. 

These feelings make it simpler to forget the reasons behind why you embarked on a particular career or why you feel empowered working on a particular project. You can easily see what’s impeding you from doing what you love by giving a brain dump a try.


Detangle Your Mind 

Pull up your favourite pen and settle in for a brain dump the next time you feel your brain activity becoming too much for you to handle. 

Even though it doesn’t take long, it is a powerful tool for problem-solving, stress relief, and self-care. 

Regular maintenance is just as crucial as cleaning because as you rid your mind of these annoying issues, you create room for fresh ideas to germinate. So go ahead and shake your brain vigorously with a brain dump.

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Hi, I am Chidimma, the Chief Editor of StartupSpot. I hold a bachelor's degree in Business Education (with a major in Accounting) from the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria and online certifications in Digital Marketing by SEMRUSH Academy. Startupspot was therefore born (in 2021) out of my passion to reach startups, small businesses and a greater audience to educate them about startups, the challenges facing startups and how to manage their finances. I also wish to educate people (especially women) to attain financial independence. I hope you find the contents useful, and should you need further help, I hope you ‌reach me.